Trustworthy, Competent and Certified purs. to § 57a WPO
For us, auditing not only means making a judgement on the audited situation but also offering concrete suggestions of improvement in organisation and processes. Our clients' trust confirms our success in auditing.
We are – after successful quality inspection – certified pursuant to § 57a WPO and therefore authorised to perform statutory audits such as:
- Annual and consolidated financial statements according to HGB (German Commercial Code) and IFRS
- Conversion audits
- Capital increase special audits
Of course, we also offer voluntary audits or an auditing review of your statement. Our offer also includes:
- Special audits purs. to § 53 HGrG (German Budget Act)
- Tests pursuant to MaBV (German Real Estate Agent and Commercial Contractor Regulation)
- Audits of overindebtedness and inability to pay
- Audit of restructuring concepts
- Review of the internal control system
- Due diligence review on purchasing price determination and risk reduction